Field Trip: Rescheduled from SUNDAY OCTOBER 29, to Sunday, November 5, 8:00a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Field Trip: Waterfowl at Sabattus Pond, Sabattus John Berry will lead this trip to Sabattus Pond. In the Fall, this pond hosts concentrations of migrating waterfowl, including hundreds of Ruddy Ducks, as well as scaup and mergansers. Meet at Martin’s Point Park in Sabattus. From the intersection of Rt.9 and Rt.126, take High Street north […]

Field Trip: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 8:30 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.

Field Trip: Waterfowl Walk, Giant Stairs, Bailey Island Join John Berry for a look at the winter waterfowl of eastern Casco Bay from one of Harpswell’s most scenic locations. Directions: From Harpswell Islands Road (Rt.24), turn left onto Washington Avenue. Proceed approximately .1 mile to a small parking area for 4 or 5 cars at […]

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, Location: Curtis Memorial Library, Morrell Room, Brunswick

Board Meeting: 5:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. Public Program: 7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Guest speaker: Bob Duchesne, “Maine is Weird” Bob Duchesne has spent a little time on such questions as, “Why is the coast so rugged?” “Why is Maine the most forested state in America?” “Why do we have so much northern habitat […]

Field Trip: Saturday March 9, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Salisbury Beach and Plum Island. Join the search for late winter birds on this all-day outing to coastal New Hampshire and Massachusetts. First stop is Salisbury Beach State Park, where we will look for ducks, loons, grebes and short-eared owls. Then on to Newburyport and Plum Island to see Iceland and glaucous gulls, snowy owls, […]

Work Day: Hamilton Sanctuary (Cancelled)

This Saturday's Work Day at Hamilton Sanctuary has been cancelled due to the storm. There are no plans to reschedule this event. Our thanks to those who planned to donate their time tomorrow!

Field Trip: Reid State Park, Rescheduled to March 24, 9:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.

Please Note: This trip is has been rescheduled to Sunday due to Saturday's forecast for snow/rain. All other trip details remain the same. Reid State Park is a magnificent site in early spring. We’ll search for all manner of coastal waterbirds, including scoters, grebes and loons, as well as sanderlings and purple sandpipers. Walking the […]

Board Meeting and Program: MONDAY, MARCH 25,

Board Meeting and Program: Monday March 25 Location: Curtis Memorial Library, Morrell Room, Brunswick Board Meeting: 5:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. Public Program: 7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Guest speaker: Derek Lovitch, “Birding in Jamaica: Island Endemics to Jerk Chicken”. Join Derek and Jeannette Lovitch on their tour through Jamaica as they search for the […]

Field Trip: SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 7:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.

Field Trip: Brunswick Landing Perimeter Trail, Pine Street Entrance In addition to observing early returning woodland migrants, we will be on the lookout for hunting kestrels on the airfield grassland. Also, we’ll be listening for singing field and savannah sparrows, as well as eastern meadowlarks. We’ll walk paved/ gravel roads and easy paths (up to […]