Field Trip: Green Point Farm, Dresden, Sept. 22

Expect a wide variety of Fall migrants in the woodlands, fields and wild rice flats of this diverse State Wildlife Management Area. We will walk paths, farm roads and open fields (about 2 miles total). Wear footwear suitable for walking in dew-covered grassy fields. Meet at Green Point Farm by the green shed off Rt. […]

Program: Bird Watching in Maine, Derek & Jeannette Lovitch, Sept. 23

Morell Rm., Curtis Library, 23 Pleasant St, Brunswick, ME 04011

With nearly 450 species of birds recorded, Maine offers an abundance of birding opportunities for people of all levels of interest and experience, from those looking beyond their backyards for the first time, to knowledgeable visitors looking to plug a hole in their list of sightings. From mountaintop to barrier beach, from “The County” and […]

Field Trip: Bird Banding at River Point Conservation Area, Sept. 28

River Point Conservation Area, West Falmouth

We will meet Biodiversity Research Institute for an interpretive demonstration of bird banding. We will also walk the easy trails (up to 2 miles total) seeking Fall migrants. Restrooms available nearby. Meet at Brunswick Hannaford at 7:15 a.m. or at Hannaford at River Point off Rt. 100 in West Falmouth at 8:00 a.m. FMI Gordon […]

Field Trip: Androscoggin River Trail, Lisbon, Oct. 5

We will walk an easy paved path (about 3 miles total) along the river to observe Fall migrants. Meet at the Sabattus River boat launch parking lot off Route 196 at Frost Hill Avenue at 8:00 a.m. FMI call Gordon Smith at 449-8206. Note: The times are updated from those printed in our newsletter, The […]

Field Trip: Brunswick Landing, Oct. 6

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 8:00—11:00 A.M. We will explore a variety of habitats for Fall migrants. Expect to walk paved and hard packed paths (up to 2.5 miles total). Meet at the parking lot off Admiral Fitch Avenue (.6 miles from Bath Road entrance) opposite Southern Maine Community College complex at 8:00 a.m. FMI Gordon Smith […]

The Big Sit! Wharton Point (Maquoit Landing), Brunswick, Oct. 13

Join Merrymeeting Audubon for this fun event. We will be staking out a 17 foot diameter circle, and from within the circle we will attempt to observe/hear all birds in the surrounding area. Observations (and listening) will begin at dawn (or before, depending on the weather) and continue until dusk, or after. Anyone is welcome […]

Work Morning at Hamilton Sanctuary, West Bath, Oct. 19

Volunteer work morning. Trail maintenance, installing new bird boxes, cleaning existing boxes, removing invasive plants. Directions: Take the New Meadows exit off US Route 1 in West Bath. Turn left onto New Meadows Road and go straight ahead to the stop sign. Here New Meadows Road turns into Foster Point Road. Follow Foster Point Rd. […]

Field Trip: Green Point Farm, Dresden, Oct. 20

Expect a wide variety of Fall migrants in the woodlands, fields and wild rice flats of this diverse State Wildlife Management Area. We will walk paths, farm roads and open fields (about 2 miles total). Wear footwear suitable for walking in dew-covered grassy fields. Meet at Green Point Farm by the green shed off Rt. […]

Field Trip: Hermit Island, Oct 26

Doug Suitor will lead this outing to Hermit Island on Small Point in Phippsburg. We’ll walk along Head Beach, by ocean overlooks, and along a wooded dirt road by a saltwater cove. Expect to see ducks, grebes, and loons as well as some woodland birds. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the north end of Bath […]